Our honest review of video conferencing [+1 Big mistake in 2024]

Discover essential tips for effective video conferencing, including the top mistake to avoid

Video conferencing has emerged as a vital communication lifeline, seamlessly bridging the distance between individuals and businesses. With the advent of the internet and advancements in technology, these digital tools have become a daily necessity. This transformation was propelled forward as the world adapted to new ways of working, learning, and socializing, especially during times of global change.

In this article, we take a detailed look at video conferencing, examining how it reshapes our interactions and the way we connect with others, whether they're across the city or on the other side of the globe.

In both business and personal contexts, video conferencing software has become indispensable.

What is video conferencing software?

Video conferencing software is the modern solution to long-distance communication, enabling individuals and businesses to conduct face-to-face meetings without being in the same physical space. This software harnesses the power of the internet to transmit audio and video, allowing real-time interactions regardless of geographical boundaries.

The evolution of video conferencing


The concept of video conferencing began with AT&T's introduction of the Picturephone at the 1964 New York World's Fair. It was one of the earliest forms of video telephony.

1970s to 1980s

Commercial video conferencing systems began to appear, but they were expensive and not widely adopted. These systems were primarily used by large corporations and government agencies.


The introduction of the Internet saw a significant shift in video conferencing. The first PC-based video conferencing systems became available, and the development of more efficient video compression techniques made video calls more feasible and affordable.

The early 2000s

Broadband internet became more widespread, greatly improving the quality and reliability of video conferencing. Companies like Microsoft and Cisco started integrating video conferencing capabilities into their products.


The rise of smartphones and tablets with built-in cameras made video conferencing more accessible to the general public. Platforms like Skype, FaceTime, and later Zoom, became popular for both personal and professional use.


The COVID-19 pandemic led to a massive surge in the use of video conferencing for remote work, education, and socializing. This period saw significant improvements in technology, user experience, and security features of the best video conferencing software.

Importance and benefits of video conferencing in business and personal communication

In both business and personal contexts, video conferencing software has become indispensable. For businesses, it means reduced travel costs, enhanced collaboration across different locations, and the ability to connect with clients and colleagues worldwide. On a personal level, it keeps friends and family connected, making distance less of a barrier to maintaining relationships.

Benefits of video conferencing for businesses

  1. Global reach: Businesses can expand globally, holding meetings with international clients and partners without physical travel.

  2. Enhanced team collaboration: Teams located in different parts of the world can collaborate effectively in real time, working on projects and sharing ideas as if they were in the same room.

  3. Resource efficiency: Saves time and financial resources by reducing the need for physical meeting spaces, travel expenses, and accommodation costs.

  4. Talent acquisition and retention: Enables remote work options, which can be a key factor in attracting and retaining top talent who prefer flexible working conditions.

  5. Eco-friendly: Reduces the carbon footprint associated with business travel, contributing to corporate social responsibility initiatives.

  6. Scalability: Video conferencing systems can be easily scaled to accommodate varying numbers of participants, making it suitable for small meetings or large conferences.

Benefits of video conferencing for individuals

  1. Personal connection: Facilitates face-to-face interaction with friends and family, fostering stronger personal connections despite physical distance.

  2. Work-life balance: Offers flexibility for remote workers and freelancers, allowing them to maintain a healthier work-life balance.

  3. Learning and development: Enables access to online education and training opportunities, making it easier to acquire new skills or attend workshops from anywhere.

  4. Accessibility: Provides a communication platform for those who are unable to travel due to health, financial, or other personal reasons, ensuring they remain connected.

  5. Cultural exchange: Offers opportunities for cultural exchange and language practice by connecting with people from different parts of the world.

  6. Mental health benefits: Reduces feelings of isolation by enabling regular contact with loved ones, which is crucial for mental well-being, especially during times of crisis like the COVID-19 pandemic.

The technology behind video conferencing

Video conferencing technology has transformed how we connect and communicate. It blends a variety of sophisticated technologies to create a seamless and interactive experience. Understanding this technology is crucial, whether you're a casual user looking to stay in touch with family and friends or an IT professional tasked with implementing and managing these systems in a business environment.

Technology for general users

General users should focus on the operational aspects of video conferencing technology.

Video and audio transmission: Essential for clear communication, users should know how to manage cameras and microphones.

User interface (UI): Understanding the UI is key to navigating the software efficiently.

Integration with devices: Knowing how to connect the software with various devices enhances accessibility.

Screen sharing and collaboration tools: Familiarity with these tools can improve the collaborative aspects of video calls.

Security basics: Basic security practices help in maintaining the privacy of communications.

Technology for IT administrators

IT administrators need a deeper insight into the technical and backend aspects.

Network management and bandwidth optimization: Essential for ensuring consistent call quality.

Encryption and advanced security: Knowledge of secure data transmission is critical.

System integration and compatibility: Ensuring seamless integration with existing IT infrastructure.

Cloud-based architecture and scalability: Managing cloud solutions for organizational needs.

AI and advanced features: Staying updated with AI-driven enhancements for efficiency.

Our experience with different video conferencing platforms

The best video conferencing software forms a crucial part of our lives. Whether it's for a business meeting or a catch-up with friends, the choice of platform can significantly impact the experience. We've had our fair share of experiences with various video conferencing providers, each bringing its unique flavor to the table.


Zoom has firmly established itself as a pivotal player in video conferencing. Its ascent to popularity, particularly during the COVID-19 pandemic, marked a significant shift in how we engage with remote communication. Although it launched in 2011, it was during the pandemic that Zoom became a household name, as businesses, educational institutions, and individuals sought reliable platforms for virtual interaction.

The platform's ability to accommodate large numbers of participants, coupled with its user-friendly interface and robust feature set, including high-quality video and audio, screen sharing, and interactive tools like whiteboarding and polling, made it a go-to choice for many. Here are some of the pros and cons we’ve noticed while using Zoom for video conferencing.

Pros and cons of using Zoom


User-friendly interface

Zoom stands out for its intuitive and easy-to-navigate interface, making it accessible for users of all technical skill levels​​​​.

Reliable performance

It consistently delivers high-quality audio and video, even in lower bandwidth scenarios, which is crucial for uninterrupted communication​​.

Versatility in features

Features like screen sharing, virtual backgrounds, whiteboarding, and polling make it a versatile tool for various meeting types​​​​.

Strong integration capabilities

Zoom integrates effectively with numerous other tools and platforms, enhancing productivity and workflow​​.

Mobile and app compatibility

It provides robust performance on mobile platforms, making it a convenient option for users on the go​​.


Security concerns

Despite improvements, past issues like Zoom Bombing have raised concerns about its privacy and security.

Free plan limitations

The 40-minute limit on group meetings in the free version can be restrictive for longer sessions​​.

Varied performance on different networks

Although generally reliable, the quality can sometimes vary depending on the user's network conditions​​.

Potential overreliance on one platform

With its extensive features, there's a risk of becoming too dependent on Zoom for all communication needs, which might not always be ideal in every scenario.

Overall, Zoom offers a comprehensive and flexible solution for video conferencing needs, suitable for personal and professional use. Its strengths lie in its ease of use, variety of features, and improved security measures. However, users should be aware of its limitations, particularly in terms of the free version's restrictions and the potential variability in performance based on network conditions. Despite these drawbacks, Zoom remains a top choice for video conferencing tools.

Microsoft Teams

Microsoft Teams, a component of the Microsoft 365 suite, has risen in prominence, especially in business communication and collaboration. Its integration with other Microsoft applications and its focus on enhancing team collaboration make it a standout choice for many organizations. Let’s explore the pros and cons of using Microsoft Teams for video conferencing based on our personal experience and insights gathered from various sources.

Pros and cons of using Microsoft Teams


Integrated collaboration

Teams excels in combining chat, video meetings, file storage, and application integration into one platform. Its deep integration with Microsoft 365 apps like Word, Excel, and PowerPoint streamlines workflow and increases productivity​​​​.

Scalable plans

Ranging from a free version to various paid plans, Teams caters to different needs and sizes of businesses. The plans are designed to accommodate varying levels of usage, from small teams to large enterprises​​​​.

Comprehensive meeting tools

Teams offers robust video conferencing features, including up to 300 participants in meetings, 30-hour long meeting durations, screen sharing, live captions in multiple languages, and a unique cameo feature for interactive presentations​​​​.

Strong security and compliance

Microsoft Teams ensures high-level security across all its plans, with features like data encryption and advanced security options available in the higher-tier plans, suitable for businesses with sensitive data​​​​.


Complex user interface

Some users find Teams’ interface less intuitive, especially for those not familiar with the Microsoft 365 environment. Navigating the platform and setting up can be challenging due to its compartmentalized layout​​.

Demanding on system resources

Teams is known to consume significant RAM and may operate slower compared to other tools. This can be a limitation for users with less powerful hardware​​.

File management system

While Teams allows easy file sharing and integrates with Microsoft 365, its file management system could be more intuitive. Organizational structure and file accessibility can sometimes be confusing for users​​.

Limited free plan

The free version of Teams is somewhat restricted, lacking features like meeting recording and advanced administrative tools, making it more suitable for personal use than business requirements​​.

Microsoft Teams is a powerful tool for businesses already entrenched in the Microsoft ecosystem, offering a comprehensive set of features for collaboration and communication. While its advanced capabilities and security features make it an excellent choice for larger businesses, the complex interface and system demands may pose challenges for some users. Despite these drawbacks, Teams remains a strong contender in the video conferencing space, particularly for those seeking an all-in-one business communication solution.

Google Meet

Google Meet, known for its solid G-Suite compatibility and efficient video conferencing capabilities, has emerged as a popular choice for business and personal use. Here's a detailed review based on our experience and insights.

Pros and cons of using Google Meet


Ease of use

Google Meet is recognized for its straightforward design, making setting up and joining meetings a breeze. Its user interface is intuitive, allowing even first-time users to navigate the platform with relative ease​​.

Integration with Google Workspace

As a part of Google Workspace, Google Meet seamlessly integrates with Google apps like Drive, Calendar, Gmail, Docs, and Sheets. This integration facilitates a cohesive workflow, especially useful for those already within the Google ecosystem​​​​.

Meeting features

Google Meet offers adjustable layouts and screen settings, a gallery view for all users, and meeting host controls like pin, mute, and remove participants. The addition of breakout rooms, live chat functionality, and whiteboard integration with Jamboard further enhance its meeting capabilities​​​​.

Accessibility and security

The platform stands out for its live captioning functionality, which is highly accurate thanks to Google's advanced speech recognition technology. Additionally, Google Meet places a strong emphasis on security, with encrypted data in transit and unique encryption keys for meetings​​.

Mobile accessibility

Google Meet's mobile app is efficient, taking up minimal storage space while providing a high-quality video calling experience. This makes it ideal for users who need to join meetings on the go​​.


Limited features on the free plan

The free version of Google Meet offers basic functionalities like 60-minute meetings and 100 participants limit, which might be restrictive for larger or longer meetings​​.

Customer service limitations

Google Meet scored low in customer service, primarily offering self-service options like the help center and community forum, with round-the-clock support available only for Enterprise subscribers​​.

Confusing interface for new users

First-time users might find the interface a bit confusing, particularly when it comes to sharing screens and inviting participants. While the platform is generally user-friendly, there is a learning curve involved​.

No transcription services

Unlike some of its competitors, Google Meet does not offer transcription services for meetings, which can be a drawback for those who rely on meeting transcriptions for records or accessibility reasons​​.

Lacks fun engagement features

Google Meet doesn't offer some of the more engaging features like virtual backgrounds, which are available in other video conferencing tools. This might make the platform less appealing for users looking for a more dynamic and customizable video conferencing experience​​.

Google Meet is a viable option for those seeking a user-friendly, secure, and integrated video conferencing tool, particularly for users already invested in the Google ecosystem. Its accessibility features and browser-based functionality make it a convenient choice for various users. However, the limitations in customer support and lack of advanced features might concern some users. Despite these drawbacks, Google Meet's integration with Google Workspace and its efficient mobile app usage make it a strong competitor in the video conferencing market.

Why we made mmhmm

Our journey in creating mmhmm stemmed from a desire to revolutionize how people perceive and engage with video conferencing. Traditional platforms, while effective in connecting people, often fall short of delivering a truly interactive and engaging experience. mmhmm was born out of the need to address these shortcomings and to introduce a wave of creativity and dynamism into every video conference.

Innovative presentation capabilities

Unlike conventional video conferencing platforms, mmhmm introduces advanced presentation tools that transform standard meetings into lively, interactive sessions. Our focus on enhancing the presentation aspect allows users to create and deliver content that is informative and engaging.

Dynamic interaction and creativity

We understand that each user has a unique communication style. mmhmm offers an array of creative tools that empower users to personalize their digital space, from custom backgrounds to dynamic overlays, making every video call a canvas for creativity.

Enhancing user engagement

Recognizing that engagement is key to effective communication, mmhmm is designed to make interactions more captivating. Features like the ability to manipulate slides live or use your image creatively in presentations keep the audience engaged and involved.

Simplicity and ease of use

While platforms like Microsoft Teams offer comprehensive features, their complexity can be daunting for some users. mmhmm addresses this by offering a straightforward, intuitive interface, making it accessible to everyone irrespective of their tech-savviness.

Adaptability across various contexts

mmhmm is not just for business meetings or educational sessions; it's versatile enough to cater to a wide range of scenarios, from professional presentations to casual catch-ups, making it a one-stop solution for all video communication needs.

In summary, we created mmhmm as a response to the limitations of existing video conferencing providers. Our goal was to design a platform that serves the functional purpose of communication while making every interaction memorable, engaging, and uniquely personal. By integrating innovation with simplicity and creativity, mmhmm stands out as a video conferencing solution that redefines the standards of digital interaction.

The big mistake to avoid in video conferencing

A critical mistake that often goes unnoticed is the lack of engagement and interactivity in virtual meetings. While platforms like Zoom, Microsoft Teams, and Google Meet excel in connecting people, they sometimes don't make the experience engaging, interactive, and memorable. This oversight can lead to passive participation, reduced attention, and less effective communication.

Why engagement and interactivity matter

Fosters active participation

Engaging video conferences encourage active participation from all attendees, leading to more fruitful discussions and collaborative problem-solving.

Boosts attention and retention

Interactive elements keep participants focused and can significantly improve information retention, which is essential in both business and educational settings.

Enhances meeting effectiveness

Engaging meetings are more likely to achieve their objectives, as participants are more involved and invested in the outcome.

How to make video conferencing more engaging

Use interactive tools

Incorporating tools like real-time polling, Q&A sessions, and collaborative whiteboards can make meetings more interactive.

Encourage participation

Create an environment where everyone feels comfortable to speak up and contribute. This could involve asking open-ended questions or having designated discussion times.

Creative visuals and presentations

Utilize platforms that allow for dynamic presentations and creative visuals. This not only makes the meeting more visually appealing but also helps in keeping the audience engaged.

Breakout sessions for larger meetings

In larger meetings, use breakout rooms to facilitate small group discussions, which can then be brought back to the larger group.

Overall, the key to successful video conferencing lies in making each session engaging and interactive. By focusing on these aspects, and with tools like mmhmm, we can transform ordinary meetings into vibrant and productive experiences, thereby avoiding the major pitfall of unengaging video conferences.

Other mistakes to avoid on a video call

  • Background distractions: A cluttered or distracting background can divert attention away from the meeting.

  • Poor lighting setup: Inadequate lighting can make it hard for others to see you clearly, affecting the quality of communication.

  • Neglecting audio quality: Poor audio, such as background noise or echo, can disrupt the flow of conversation.

  • Frequent multitasking: Engaging in other tasks during a call can lead to missed information and show a lack of engagement.

  • Overlooking camera etiquette: Avoid actions like staring away from the camera or making distracting movements, which can disrupt the meeting's flow.

  • Inadequate preparation: Joining a video conference without proper preparation or understanding of the agenda can lead to unproductive meetings.

  • Ignoring platform features: Not using the features of the video conferencing platform, such as screen sharing or chat, can reduce the effectiveness of the call.

  • Poor time management: Extending meetings unnecessarily or not sticking to the agenda can lead to inefficient use of time.

Tips for effective video conferencing

The best video conferencing software ensures each session is productive, engaging, and as seamless as an in-person meeting. Here are practical tips, drawn from multiple sources, to enhance your video conferencing experience.

8 technical tips for video meetings

  1. Test your setup: Before any meeting, test your equipment. This includes checking your internet connection, audio, and video.

  2. High-quality equipment: Use a high-quality webcam and microphone. This ensures clear audio and visuals, reducing misunderstandings and enhancing engagement​​​​.

  3. Lighting and camera position: Good lighting is crucial. Natural light is best, but if unavailable, use soft, even lighting. Position your camera at eye level to create a natural and engaging perspective​​​​.

  4. Audio clarity: If you're not speaking, mute your microphone to minimize background noise. Also, using a microphone close to your mouth, like on a boom arm, can significantly improve sound quality​​​​.

  5. Regular software updates: Keep your video conferencing software updated to the latest version to ensure you have the latest features and security updates​​.

  6. Optimize bandwidth: Close unnecessary applications or browser tabs to ensure your video conferencing software has sufficient bandwidth, particularly for high-quality video meetings.

  7. Dual monitors: If possible, use dual monitors during a video conference. One can display the video feed, while the other for shared content or notes​​.

  8. Backup plans: Have a backup plan in case of technical failures. This could include having a secondary device or phone number to dial into the meeting if needed.​

9 etiquette tips for video meetings

  1. Professional backdrop: Choose a quiet location with minimal distractions. A simple, professional backdrop is preferable to a cluttered or busy background. Virtual backgrounds can be used, but they should be professional and not distracting​​​​.

  2. Engage actively: Look into the camera when speaking, use gestures appropriately, and maintain a friendly, professional demeanor. This makes the interaction more personal and engaging​​.

  3. Meeting protocols: Follow traditional meeting best practices like sending out an agenda beforehand and establishing communication protocols for a smooth meeting flow​​.

  4. Utilize platform features: Familiarize yourself with the conferencing platform's features like screen sharing, polling, breakout rooms, and emoji reactions to make meetings more interactive and dynamic​​.

  5. Mindful communication: Be aware of your body language and voice modulation. Smiling and using appropriate facial expressions make the conversation more pleasant and engaging​​.

  6. Timeliness: Join the meeting a few minutes early to ensure you're ready when it starts. This is especially important for hosts, but participants should also aim to be punctual​​.

  7. Dress appropriately: Even though you might be joining from home, maintain a professional appearance. Dress as you would for an in-person meeting in a similar context​​.

  8. Post-meeting follow-ups: Send a follow-up email after the meeting to recap discussions and confirm the next steps. This helps ensure everyone is on the same page and keeps the team aligned​​.

Implementing these tips can significantly improve your video conferencing, making each session more productive and effective. If you combine a quality technical setup with proper meeting etiquette, and the best video conferencing software, video calls can become a more rewarding and enjoyable experience for all participants.

The future of video conferencing

The future of video conferencing is poised for exciting advancements, shaped by emerging trends and evolving user needs. Let's explore these trends, which are set to redefine the way we communicate remotely.

Hybrid meetings and work environments

The rise of remote work has catalyzed the need for hybrid meetings that host in-person and remote participants. Video conferencing solutions are evolving to support workers on the go, ensuring functionality across devices, including mobile​​. This trend emphasizes the importance of flexible work structures and the need for video conferencing platforms to facilitate seamless collaboration regardless of location​​.

Enhanced user experience through simplification

Modern video conferencing solutions are increasingly focusing on ease of use. This includes one-click meetings, joining meetings from a web browser without downloading software, and interoperability between different platforms. The goal is to make joining a conference as quick and convenient as possible​​.

Gamification and interactive features

Gamification and interactive elements are being introduced to combat video fatigue and keep meetings engaging. This includes quizzes, polls, emoji reactions, and even integrating VR for more immersive experiences. Such features create active engagement and make meetings more memorable​​​​.

The integration of Artificial Intelligence (AI)

AI is increasingly being used to enhance video conferencing. AI features include background noise reduction, movement tracking, identifying active speakers, real-time transcription and captioning, and post-meeting analytics. Also, AI innovations could include translations to overcome language barriers.

Customization and personalization

Video conferencing solutions are offering more ways to adjust and personalize settings. This ranges from custom backgrounds to voice modulation, displaying participants in different layouts, and setting personal working hours to manage meeting schedules​​.

Advancements in immersive experiences

Holographic meetings and more advanced customization options are on the horizon. These advancements aim to create lifelike representations of participants and allow for more personalized meeting experiences​​.

Integration with other business tools

Video conferencing is becoming more integrated with other business tools and platforms, enhancing overall productivity. This includes project management and CRM software, ensuring a more unified communication experience​​​​.

Focus on security and privacy

With the increasing use of video conferencing for sensitive discussions, there's a greater emphasis on security and privacy. This involves protecting the information shared during video conferences and being mindful of data storage and handling​​.

Emergence of VR and AR in video conferencing

Virtual and augmented reality technologies are being adopted to make remote meetings more engaging and lifelike. While VR hardware is expensive, prices are expected to decrease, making VR video conferencing more accessible​​​​.

More affordable and accessible solutions

Video conferencing tools are becoming more affordable and user-friendly. This trend indicates that high-quality video conferencing software will be accessible to a wider range of businesses, including smaller startups​​.

Increased reliance on video in meetings

As video conferencing software improves, businesses will rely more heavily on video technology in their meetings, moving beyond just audio communication. This trend underscores the growing importance of video in creating strong impressions and facilitating effective communication​​.

Video conferencing software is shaping up to be more flexible, immersive, and integrated, with a strong focus on user experience, security, and accessibility. These advancements promise to further enhance remote communication, making it more engaging, effective, and inclusive. As these technologies evolve, they will continue to play a crucial role in shaping the way we connect and collaborate.


Video conferencing has come a long way since the first Picturephone at the 1964 New York World's Fair. Today, it bridges distances, bringing people together in both personal and professional settings. Platforms like Zoom, Microsoft Teams, and Google Meet have shown us the versatility of this technology, each offering unique features and functionalities. Meanwhile, mmhmm adds a new dimension with its engaging and creative approach to digital meetings.

The evolution of video calls highlights technological advancements and changing human communication needs. The shift from expensive, specialized systems to accessible, user-friendly software reflects our increasing reliance on digital connectivity. The COVID-19 pandemic underscored this, turning video calls from a convenience into an everyday necessity.

For businesses, video calls have opened doors to global collaboration and resource efficiency, offering eco-friendly solutions and new opportunities for talent acquisition. On a personal level, it maintains connections and supports mental well-being, proving invaluable in times of crisis.

Looking ahead, the integration of AI, VR, and AR in video conferencing services points to even more immersive experiences. The focus is shifting towards making virtual interactions as engaging and productive as in-person meetings.

As video conferencing continues to evolve, it becomes clear that its impact reshapes our work culture, learning environments, and personal relationships. The future of video conferencing is reliant on technological innovation so it continues to enhance human connection in an environment that is increasingly digital.

About mmhmm

mmhmm is a dynamic platform that significantly enhances video conferencing experiences and goes beyond the traditional boundaries of standard video calls. It's designed to make both live calls and recorded videos more engaging and interactive, without requiring extensive technical know-how.

Key Features of mmhmm

  • Enhanced presentation capabilities: mmhmm allows users to be on-screen with their content, whether it's a screenshare, an imported presentation, or any other form of visual aid. This feature helps maintain audience engagement as it allows for a more dynamic presentation style.

  • Visual versatility: The platform offers a range of visual tools including pinning images, text, presentation slides, or even a second camera on the screen alongside the presenter. This versatility facilitates a more immersive and visually appealing presentation.

  • Custom backgrounds and special effects: Users can choose from a variety of backgrounds and apply special effects to their videos, such as making the screen look grainy or pixelated. These features are aimed at enhancing the visual experience and keeping the audience captivated.

  • Compatibility with various video call platforms: mmhmm works seamlessly with popular video conferencing tools like Zoom, Google Meet, Microsoft Teams, and Webex, making it a versatile choice for users who frequently switch between different platforms.

  • Recording and editing tools: The platform enables users to record their screen or design custom video sequences. It also offers easy-to-use editing features, allowing users to record over mistakes and trim clips instantly.

  • Smart video sharing: mmhmm provides options for sharing videos either through links or by publishing them to a team’s video library. It also includes audience insights, showing who has watched the video and gathering feedback from viewers.

mmhmm is particularly useful for various scenarios including sales pitches, team branding, product demos, all-hands meetings, remote team engagement, meeting icebreakers, fireside chats, video podcasts, learning and development, asynchronous video updates, and more. Its focus on creating engaging, memorable presentations and meetings sets it apart in the video conferencing solutions market​​.

This platform is an excellent choice for businesses and individuals looking for a video conferencing solution that emphasizes creativity, engagement, and ease of use. Its array of features makes it not just a tool for communication but also a means to deliver impressive and interactive presentations.

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mmhmm is a video presentation app that makes you more engaging on video calls and recordings.

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